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BE Healing

Dive Deep and Surrender!
Energy Healing & Wisdom Codes™

 WOW – Powerful Workshop!
The Goddess Panacaea creates powerful and
magical elixirs
for each participant.
Are you ready for yours?

Replay now available

Goddess Panacaea

Are YOU ready to Dive Deep into your emotional body
and simply LET GO of the old wounds, pain, heartache
that has been holding you back?

Now is the time to clear the Gatekeepers and Belief
Keepers around betrayal, heartbreak and heartache.
What wounds are holding you back?  What energies
are keeping you from stepping into your full
magnificent heart?

I don’t know about you, but I am plum done with any
form of struggle!  When it comes to matters of the heart,
we hide so much from ourselves in fear of re-experiencing
the same.  When in fact the energy living there will most
likely attract the same over and over again!  Allow this
time of transformational energy to move you into the flow
of the water energies, (we still have a trine of water in the sky)
and wash away that old hurt, pain, wounds and heartache
with ease and grace.

With Mercury Rx in Scorpio (a time to revisit, remove,
re-evaluate, re anything) and the Sun moving into Scorpio,
allow the Scorpio energy  to support your healing, by going
deep, deep, deep within to clear and heal.  What a perfect
and magical time to simply surrender those old energies.
As we collectively ascend the old ‘stuff’ will become even
more uncomfortable.  My guides are sharing how the simple
act of Surrender, mixed with Light and Healing can propel
you forward in ways you cannot even imagine.

Join us for a Magical Healing Workshop with the
Goddess Panacaea!  We will journey to the healing
cave at the bottom of Mother Ocean, where the
Goddess Panacaea will create up to 3 healing elixirs
for you.  To bring your heart, mind and body into
balance by letting go and simply surrendering and
holding what no longer serves up to the Light!

Who is Panacaea?  She is the daughter of Asclepius and Epione
from the Greek pantheon.  The Goddess Panacaea is known as the
Goddess of Universal Remedy.

Receive a new Wisdom Code™  as you allow
yourself to be held in the arms of Divine Mother
as you sip your custom made elixirs to bring
your whole self back into a place of Love and Joy.

Energy Transmission from Divine Mother

Two Recordings in this Workshop

Part One
First Recording we cleared Gatekeepers and
Belief Keepers around your deepest
emotional blocking energies!

Part Two
Be guided to the soft sandy beach where two
Mermaids assist you in your bubble of light
to the vortex and down to the bottom of
the Ocean to the Cave of Healing Magic!

Elixirs, Divine Mother, Wisdom Code OH MY!

This is a deep and transformative class!
“Very powerful class DaKara!  I feel so much better!”
Tina shared – “Wonderful, powerful, amazing feeling of love and adventure!
My elixirs contained all that I have been wishing for!”

98 minute transformational workshop

Energy Exchange $99.00 
Value $149.95

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