Below are some shares from clients. I am so Grateful to
be of service and the greatest gift to me is when a client
share how the work has improved their life and well being!
Hello DaKara,
feeling amazing and remaining committed to time for me and scripting each day. Prior to
our session, I would have put myself on the back burner and never would have
made time for me and scripted consistently even though I know the
benefits of each. Just today I had lunch and savored being at an upscale local eatery.
I sat, basked in the moment, looked around at the surroundings,
watched people walking by, listened to the smooth sounds
playing overhead, and relished the moment. In the past I would have been on my phone
or just not really enjoying the moment and ambiance of my amazing lunch and beautiful
surroundings. I have set the intention to incorporate a fun outing into my
“me time” each week – something outside of the ordinary.
This alone is for sure going to amp up my vibe.
to join an mlm, and become a mlm rockstar. Not necessarily because I loved a particular
product, but because I saw this as a path to a lavish lifestyle, passive income, speaking on
stages, and recognition. Since our session, I have realized I do not have
to be a part of a mlm company to achieve any of these goals, and that was my
limiting beliefs which had me thinking in such a manner. I am passionate
about the Law of Attraction, coaching, and serving people to support them
in reaching their goals. Therefore, I am pursuing
my coaching practice with passion, and not the mlm path.
I’ll reach out to you for sure. In my next session, I would like to possibly
focus on releasing perfectionism and worry.
You are truly appreciated!
Hi Dakara,
Since you helped me do all of that ancestral healing after I found out
about my mom’s lung cancer I wanted to share this with you.
When my mom was diagnosed, the doctors figured she wouldn’t survive.
By the time she was admitted to the hospital, she had days to live if she
didn’t do treatment, and they expected only months with treatment.
She went through the chemo anyway, and decided she wanted to live.
I wanted to do the ancestral healing hoping to end the cycles of
lung death for my mom, me, and surviving members of my family,
since all of my immediate family on her side have died of lung disease.
I am happy to report that my mom went in for her PET scan so they
could determine how much of the cancer was left to treat it with radiation
in hopes of suppressing it even more, and there was NO CANCER to be
found in her whole body!! Not one single cancer cell! What doctors said
would claim her life before the end of 2012 is GONE! It totally disappeared
before they could even complete the proscribed treatment!
Mom did a lot of her own healing work, and I did a lot of various energy
work for her, but what you and I did was a piece of that puzzle, and I
wanted to share her miraculous recovery with you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your part
in her healing miracle.
Love and light,
Dakara’s healing methods are Magical. From her audios to her
amazing one-on-one laser sessions, I no longer have stiffness in
my neck, upper shoulders and lower back. Because of this, I have
now been able practice yoga again. My entire body, even my mind,
feels lighter and freer. My interactions with my mother have shifted
to being incredibly cordial with loving energy. I have stepped into
my personal power in ways that keep growing into a deeper
knowingness that it is safe, right and good to do so. To top everything
off, I am diving into taking bold actions steps right away and
completing tasks in line with my life’s purpose, for instance,
with launching my business!
Everything just keeps getting better and better!
What is so Amazing about working with Dakara one-on-one or
through her recordings is her healing methods are incredibly
easy on the body, yet like an atomic Light bomb on that which
may be holding one back. I say atomic Light bomb because that
which is holding one back is virtually transmuted/ evaporated into
Light or whatever is for the Highest Good. Her connection to Spirit,
her Amazing guides, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic realms
makes everything she does so much more powerful, yet done with
the ease and grace of the Divine.
Truly Transformational!
Thank you Dakara for all you do for me, for so many and for the planet!
Jessica Belle, Birmingham, AL
“When I first started working with DaKara I was having thoughts
of unhappiness, like I couldn’t be happy. Something was blocking
me from me, I wanted out of my misery of struggling with life.
It was a miracle, after the 2nd session something so profound
shifted in me that all those feelings of unhappiness left. I couldn’t
even bring up the thoughts I was previously having,
I just felt like ME.
I came into myself. I can’t even explain it but I can think of the thoughts
I used to have but there is no power or feeling behind it. And I have
to force myself to even come up with the negative thoughts.
Now I feel like I can go into the world and BE genuinely happy.
I feel myself growing in leaps and bounds instead of baby steps.
Now I honor myself and who I am and it feels great.
I highly recommend sessions with DaKara. Her ability to dive deep
into an issue, find the core without having to dredge up all the past
memories, along with her keen intuition, allows a lot to be shifted
in a short amount of time.
HPT is an amazing healing technique that has made a
profound difference in my life.
If you want quick recovery for whatever ails you, this is what you
have been waiting for.
Bev Bryant, Tarot Reader, Everett, WA
I had a wonderful experience with DaKara. Our session was so healing,
releasing and empowering. Her work is powerful, and DaKara is so
gentle and loving in her assistance. Her chants are moving and sacred.
Our work together helped me to release that which was no longer
needed and allowed me to be introduced to and speak with my
powerful guides that are here to work with me.
Dakara’s gentleness and kindness helped me to relax and tap into
what was necessary for my moving forward and removing blocks.
I am so grateful for our time together and the healing that I received.
Lynn Jaussi SD California
Hi Dakara,
I wanted to let you know I sent you $8.88 Gratitude Bucks
(888 angel numbers for Abundance). Thank you for an
amazingly, powerful session. Once again, Perfect Timing
to receive this session today after hearing back on the lease.
I feel much more comfortable moving through the “unknown”
as well as feel lighter, free-er and I am sure a multitude of
other wonderful things as moments progress and energy integrates!
Thank You – Thank You – Thank You & a Big Thanks to the
Wonderful non-physical beings, fairy-angels and All who
work with you and who have assisted me in the sessions with you!
Sending You Gratitude, Blessings & Abundance in All Ways-
“Working with DaKara has been a delight. Quite simply,
it’s the easiest, most cost effective way to release all negative
patterns attached to you. She is a game changer. “
Philip Adler CEO
Elevate Success Partners
session or a group class, the shifts are great. After 3 private sessions and
one tele class, I can say in honesty, that I have moved from being stuck in
fear, worry, doubts, despair, in all areas of my life, into more confidence
relationship with my husband. I’m very grateful for finding you.
Please keep sharing your gifts with the world.
Love, Monica
“Dakara is a gifted Master Spiritual Healer!
I have had the pleasure of working with her on some complex
personal issues and she is always able to quickly get to the
core and effectively assist me in moving beyond my patterning,
belief or blockage!
DaKara’s keen intuition coupled with her vast knowledge of
many healing modalities makes her sessions very powerful yet
she is able to have fun during the session as well.
She is an absolute delight to work with!”
Karen Olineck
Spiritual Healer, HPT Master
has done for me in just a short while. It’s been barely 24 hours
forward. I wasn’t able to do that before I had my session with
you, I was fixated on my pain. I see my higher self now, I have
a clearer picture of who I am in the Spirit and I look forward
You have a true gift, a true heart for healing and the clearing
away of pain in order to usher in the light. I am truly grateful.
Thank you and much love to you.”
Jessica J.
“DaKara, Bless you for the work we did yesterday on
mom issues… cleared it all up for me…..big thanks.”
Hi DaKara,
A few words to try to express the fab experience in my
coaching sessions with you.
“In only three half-hour sessions with DaKara
I went where I never dreamed I could go. We began with
my relationship with my father (btw, I am 69 years old) which
soon flowed into my cold, childhood relationship with his mother,
my paternal grandmother, who had died several years ago.
To be honest, she was the last person I wanted to encounter.
But through DaKara’s mastery, this very woman emerged as a
tower of wisdom, as the perfect companion for a walk through
my ancestral line to discover the hidden mystics and prophets there,
and as my strongest personal advocate for the blossoming
of my own hidden mystic and prophet.There is no way I could ever
have believed this grandmother held the key to such a beautiful
soul-opening experience.
DaKara is an exceptionally gifted healer and ‘divine-er’.
It was a thrill, DaKara.”
Dianne ~ China
Hi Dakara,
“I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your
gracious guidance during our healing session the other
day. I am grateful that we were able to cover so much
in such a little amount of time. I have more energy than
I have had in several weeks.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Stacey – Lynnwood
“I was having a problem moving forward in not feeling confident in
my work and DaKara was able to use her intuition to zero in on what
was blocking me. She used a really cool technique that she created,
she called it the “energy package” I am able to tap into the energy
of the package whenever I need support with any of my issues.
I have used DaKara’s technique with my own clients and have found
it to be very useful, my young clients love having a technique that is
easy for them to use when they need additional support!”
Thank you,
Becky Dorn, HHCP
(Neck & Back Pain – Released!)
“I was going through an extremely painful incident with
my lower back.I always carry a lot of pain in my neck also.
I spent 10 days totally drugged up and emotionally felt my
world was collapsing due to the medication. I could not find a
happy thought. It was not a state that I wanted to stay in –
the combination of the pain and the emotional rollercoaster
was overwhelming. I called DaKara to help me with. DaKara
used Heart Point Technique to help shift the energy behind the pain.
It was an incredible experience because when all was said and done
I could turn my neck to almost tough my shoulder – something I
cannot even remember how long it has been that I could do. Today
I keep turning my head and pinch myself, yes it is real! The love
that Dakara brought into the situation supported me and
allowed me to accept the healing that was taking place.
I am totally overjoyed because as the day progressed yesterday I
began to find that happy thought, hang on to it and remember my
own power and self worth again. Thank you Dakara!
Your chanting touched the depths of my soul and reminded me of a
healthier way of being surrounded by love!“
Maria V. Everett, WA
“I have worked with DaKara for about eight months on several different and
issues. My life has greatly improved on so many levels it is hard to find
the words to express the changes in myself. DaKara has helped me step
into my personal power, both in this world and in the spiritual world.
I have stepped into my role as a healer and shaman.
I finally own and accept being a Shaman as part of my life purpose.
I moved to the Pacific Northwest about five months ago. I had been
struggling with finding a job which also affected my self confidence.
I now have a job and my self confidence is greatly improved. DaKara
taught me new ways of looking at life and taught me tools to assist myself
in day to day living.
DaKara has a way of making me feel comfortable when she is working with
me. She creates such ease in moving deep old energies. I feel renewed after
a session and most of the old feelings have not come back. I know that since
I have been working with DaKara my life has been better and clearer than
it had been before.
I have also attended several of DaKara’s teleclasses and workshops.
I have found working in groups to be richly rewarding.
Clearing issues around family members, ancestors and past lives has
created shifts on a very deep level for me. Whether in a class or one on
one session, amazing and profound change happens with her work.
I highly recommend DaKara to anyone to assist them in healing
from the inside out.
DaKara thank you so much. I know that HPT and your gifts are making
me a better person for this planet. Again thank you.”
Kam Myers – Shaman
(CASH money received for first time in healing practice!)
“Hi Ms. DaKara, Just wanted to share that I made my very first cash
money for my healing services today. I gave my client the option of
receiving a complimentary session or my special price of $50.00. She
wanted to pay me and she was so pleased.
She has two friends to give my name to and she wants to work with
me again in two weeks. Yea! Thanks so much for your support and guidance.”
S.W. Seattle, WA
Hello Dakara,
Thank you so much for working with me. I am still feeling a release
in my solar plexus.( I think I have had a balled up blockage there for
many decades.)We have taken a big chunk out it and hope to do
more soon. I will connect with you soon.
Thanks, Sarah B., Montana
Hi Dakara, I just wanted to tell you that I thought our session
was awesome! You are truly a gifted healer.
“The Heart Point Therapy session was powerful. Not in a knock me
down kind of way, but powerful. I was not conscientiously aware
that I was holding a lack of trust about me being able to
accomplish what I need to get done.
Being aware gives me direction and the knowledge that I have
the help and support that I need to complete my tasks.
I feel lighter after the session. I am looking
forward to future sessions.”
W – Federal Way, WA
Hi Dakara,
A few words to try to express the fab experience in my coaching
sessions with you.
“In only three half-hour sessions with Dakara I went where I never
dreamed I could go. We began with my relationship with my father
(btw, I am 69 years old) which soon flowed into my cold, childhood
relationship with his mother, my paternal grandmother, who had
died several years ago. To be honest, she was the last person I
wanted to encounter. But through Dakara’s mastery, this very
woman emerged as a tower of wisdom, as the perfect companion
for a walk through my ancestral line to discover the hidden
mystics and prophets there, and as my strongest personal
advocate for the blossoming of my own hidden mystic
and prophet.
There is no way I could ever have believed this grandmother
held the key to such a beautiful soul-opening experience.
Dakara is an exceptionally gifted healer and ‘divine-er’.
It was a thrill, Dakara.”
Dianne –
Dear Dakara,
I would like to thank you for the lovely healing and coaching
sessions that you have supported me with recently. I am so
grateful for the speed with which my dreams are
coming to fruition. I am a firm believer in the magic of life
and I am delighting in all
of the gifts that the universe is sending me.
Many blessings to you!
Stacey Witt Seattle, WA
Please feel free to forward this on to your friends and lists.
DaKara is available for Lectures and
Speaking at your events!
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