DaKara’s Services
Heart Point Technique & other
transformational Energy Healing modalities.
Inspiration, Money & Relationship
Coaching with Master Energy
Healer DaKara Kies
Session Subscriptions
Ready to go deep and work consistently to further your
spiritual growth and path?
Go here to view current subscription
discounted pricing.
I am having challenges with Subscriptions in my shopping cart,
so I have everything set up on my other page.
Please click on the link above or below.
Thank you!
Great pricing when you commit to
2-3 months of sessions.
Above page link has details about options for
monthly subscriptions.
Same terms of service apply.
Monthly Healing Session Specials
Listed below are subscription special rates when committing
to 2 or 3 months at a time. These rates offer deep discounts
when you commit to your own growth and healing.
I look forward to being of service to your healing and growth!
Set up your subscription here
** A subscription is a contract. More information below
2 – 30 minute Sessions
2 times per month – 30 minute session
or may be used in one 60 min session
$220.00 per month for 2 months
This special price point requires a 2 month commitment.
Subscription set to bill every 30 days for 2 cycles
Set up your subscription here
** A subscription is a contract. More information below
2 – 30 minute Sessions
2 times per month – 30 minute session
or may be used in one 60 min session
$210.00 per month for 3 months
This special price point requires a 3 month commitment.
Subscription set to bill every 30 days for 3 cycles
Set up your subscription here
** A subscription is a contract. More information below
Please let me know if you have any questions
Visit the Contact Us for inquiry or questions
Missed appointments will be
charged for time booked. A minimum of 24 hours
advanced notice is required to re-schedule an appointment.
Completing the Subscription set up in Paypal is a commitment to the
sessions/time as a contract.
Canceling a subscription prior to its completion will be sent an invoice for the difference
of time and and dollars based on the current session regular hourly rates.
Please see terms of service for further details.
Purchase your session time via PayPal
(not comfortable with using PayPal –
Contact me via the Contact Us page)
Once your PayPal transaction is complete,
you will be sent to a link to set up your appointment
via an online scheduler.
Sessions are held over the phone and via Skype.
Live anywhere in the world and get the
loving support and assistance you need!
All session time purchased must be used within 1 year from date of purchase.
Any unused time it is forfeited after one (1) year.
I invite you to call or email me with any questions and to
connect energetically before a session or package purchase!
Please feel free to forward this on to your friends and lists.
DaKara is available for Lectures and
Speaking at your events!
Send me a message via the “Contact Us” page